Great oral health is possible at any age! Our dentists care for patients at all stages of life, tailoring treatment to their unique concerns. We strive to educate patients on how to maintain healthy teeth while providing them with preventative dental care options, like routine cleanings, periodontal care, and dental fillings. Our team is especially proud of our work with pediatric patients, providing a comfortable and fun atmosphere for them to develop good oral health habits for life. Our office has an arcade room for kids to play in, and every dental chair has a TV screen so kids can focus on their favorite show or movie instead of their dental visit.
Looking to beautify your smile? Signature Smiles specializes in cosmetic dentistry. Our dental office provides numerous cosmetic dentistry options to every patient, including porcelain veneers, Invisalign®, and teeth whitening. Our cosmetic dentists are highly trained and experienced in creating beautiful and lasting smile enhancements. After evaluating your teeth and discussing what you would like to improve, our team will customize a treatment plan to help you address your specific concerns and obtain the smile of your dreams. We look forward to working with you to give you the smile you’ve always wanted.
Restorative dentistry is designed to repair damaged teeth or fill gaps left behind after a tooth is lost. Our dentists are experienced in a variety of restorative solutions to help you regain the form and function of your teeth. Whether you need to replace one tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire arch of teeth, we can create incredibly natural-looking and -feeling restorations that can help you forget you ever had one placed! From dental crowns and bridges to dental implants and dentures, our dentists offer several restorative options to help you get your beautiful, healthy smile back.
Our dentists offer advanced dental solutions to help patients with more in-depth oral health concerns. Whether you need immediate care for a dental emergency or are seeking relief from a condition like sleep apnea or TMJ disorder, our team can diagnose your problem and plan an effective treatment for helping you reduce your symptoms and improve your oral health. In addition to these advanced options, our team is proud to offer sedation dentistry for patients struggling with dental fear. With the help of nitrous oxide, oral sedation, or IV sedation, you can get the dental care you need while feeling relaxed and at-ease.
Signature Smiles offers virtually every type of braces available on the market: 3M metal braces, clear ceramic braces, and Invisalign or Invisalign Teen. If you or your child is in need of braces due to misaligned, crooked, or gapped teeth, then come to our dental office in The Woodlands/Conroe area for great orthodontics. Our orthodontist is board certified, and we are also a certified Premier Provider of Invisalign. Our team will recommend the best type of orthodontic system for your needs and lifestyle, helping you get the straight, beautiful smile you desire.
Signature Smiles started with the idea of meeting every patient need, regardless of circumstance, age, or financial constraint. We decided to create a dental office that catered to pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and periodontic treatments. Several successful dentists came together to launch the practice, led by Dr. Brian Stanworth, to better serve The Woodlands/Conroe community.
At Signature Smiles, our dentists are always working to raise the standard of dentistry. Our team offers a wide range of dental procedures for both adults and children. We also provide sedation dentistry for numerous pediatric and adult procedures, including extractions, crowns, composite fillings, dental implants, porcelain veneers and more.
When it comes to dentistry for kids, you won’t find a better place than Signature Smiles. Our dental office has an arcade room designed specifically for kids so they can relax and play video games or watch a movie before their appointment.
With a TV screen at every dental chair, kids are able to select their favorite TV show or movie to watch while they undergo their procedure. With some of the area’s best pediatric dentists, Signature Smiles is the top choice for kids and parents.