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How To Fix A Chipped Tooth

How To Fix A Chipped Tooth

One of the Greater Houston area's top dental practices, Signature Smiles offers comprehensive dental care, including cosmetics, routine cleanings, complex cases, and braces for adults and kids. Contact us today!

Chipping a tooth or multiple teeth can cause pain and prove to be a rather alarming experience. At Signature Smiles, our dental team offers a wide variety of dental solutions for your specific needs, whether you have a small chip or a significant break. We will create a comprehensive plan tailored to your individual goals and figure out the best path for repairing your broken tooth.

Typically, when patients reach out to us to address a chipped tooth, we typically recommend a dental crown or porcelain veneer. Dental crowns are known primarily for their restorative abilities while veneers are mostly known for their cosmetic capabilities. However, both are often used to address chipped teeth, even though both treatments may be used to address other defects as well. 

At Signature Smiles, we proudly offer both procedures and find they can effectively repair a chipped tooth with lasting results. Whether you receive veneers or crowns will come down to what is right for your unique situation. During your initial appointment, our team will determine which treatment can best meet your needs. 

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can be a great solution for a chipped or damaged tooth. Acting as a cap or a cover, a dental crown is placed over a tooth to repair stability and durability while giving a natural-looking appearance. Crowns are often made of porcelain which adds to its ability to mimic a natural tooth’s white color and its functionality.

The specifics of the dental crown procedure will depend on the needs of the patient. While crowns are often used to address cavities, they are also a frequently used solution for chipped teeth. Placed over the broken tooth, dental crowns can essentially rebuild the tooth and restore its structural integrity.

Porcelain Veneers

Though most popularly referred to as porcelain veneers, we at Signature Smiles offer two types of veneers: one made from composite resin and another made from the aforementioned porcelain material. The composite resin veneers offer a more accessible option and are able to be removed more easily. Additionally, the composite resin veneers tend to be more affordable for many patients. However, the biggest downside to the composite resin material is that they stain much faster and easier than porcelain veneers with a total life span of about four years. 

For those looking for a more natural-looking and long-lasting replacement, porcelain veneers may be your answer. With the porcelain material, your new teeth can look as close to your natural teeth as possible. Utilizing a finishing glaze, porcelain veneers can be highly resistant to chipping and common stains, unlike the composite resin material. Porcelain veneers also generally last about 15 years.

If you have a chipped tooth or have multiple chipped teeth, contact us today to meet your dental needs!