As your children approach middle school age, many of their friends may be getting braces. If you have been visiting one of our pediatric dentists, you may be getting ready for your child to get braces too. For some children, getting braces is exciting. They see their friends with the bright colored rubber bands, and can’t wait to join them. However some children are nervous about getting braces. They worry about whether or not they will hurt, or whether they will be self-conscious about their smile. At Signature Smiles, our team always makes sure your child understands the process of getting braces, and tries to make them as comfortable as possible during the whole treatment.
As your child’s adult teeth come in, our pediatric dentists will be able to assess whether or not braces will be needed. For some, treatment may begin at an early age, especially if it is clear that major corrections will be needed. For others, our team may recommend waiting to see how the teeth develop, especially with corrections that are more cosmetic. Each patient is different, and all our treatments are tailored to an individual child’s needs.
Many children worry about whether or not braces will hurt. Although patients typically experience some discomfort after adjustments, it is easily treatable with everyday pain medication. Our team always makes sure every patient is as comfortable as possible. If your child’s braces are bothering them, we are more than happy to take a look and make sure there are no loose or protruding wires.
Your child’s smile is our number one priority at Signature Smiles. We want all of our patients to feel comfortable and proud of their smile! If you are in need of a pediatric dentist in the Houston area, call us today to set up an appointment. We look forward to creating beautiful smiles for your whole family.