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Have You Seen Our Dental Mannequin Challenges?

Have You Seen Our Dental Mannequin Challenges?

One of the Greater Houston area's top dental practices, Signature Smiles offers comprehensive dental care, including cosmetics, routine cleanings, complex cases, and braces for adults and kids. Contact us today!

Around the beginning of November, a little idea went viral: the Mannequin Challenge. It has grown from random groups to the biggest of celebrities, like Taylor Swift. It even got into politics with the Clinton campaign. But now the Mannequin Challenge has taken a major leap forward. The Signatures Smiles team has assembled their Mannequin Challenges, and we’re pretty sure they’re better than everyone else’s.

If you liked our Mannequin Challenge videos, let us know by leaving a comment on the videos. Sure, we may not have garnered the attention of the police with our Mannequin Challenge video like these guys, but that shouldn’t count against us, should it? We don’t think so either.
We like to think that our fun videos are simply part of our business personality: enjoyable, fun, and definitely professional. If you’re looking for a great dental office to bring the whole family, then visit our office. Contact us today and schedule your dental appointment. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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