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How to Fend Off Dental Caries [INFOGRAPHIC]

How to Fend Off Dental Caries [INFOGRAPHIC]

One of the Greater Houston area's top dental practices, Signature Smiles offers comprehensive dental care, including cosmetics, routine cleanings, complex cases, and braces for adults and kids. Contact us today!

Dental caries are a major problem in the United States and they are not subject any particular age. They affect every age group and race across the board. For this reason, our Signature Smiles dentists highly recommend that you be vigilant about taking care of your teeth.

There are numerous organizations and agencies that inform and warn the public about the statistics and dangers of dental caries. These common issues can quickly lead to tooth decay. This takes place when the enamel on the teeth is broken down, enabling bacteria to take hold and create cavities.

Our infographic, using information from the Center for Disease Prevention and Control, demonstrates the statistical problem in the US, especially among adults, and how to best combat this problem.

Visit MySignatureSmiles by Dustin Bass

If you are experiencing dental caries or dental cavities, then contact us to schedule your dental appointment. Our office specializes in general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and orthodontics. We look forward to helping you and your family remain orally healthy.