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Kinder Krowns

Child smiling

Kinder Krowns

One of the Greater Houston area's top dental practices, Signature Smiles offers comprehensive dental care, including cosmetics, routine cleanings, complex cases, and braces for adults and kids. Contact us today!

What Are Kinder Krowns®?

If your child suffers from extensive cavities where the cavity has reached deep into the tooth, then a dental filling will not be enough to protect the tooth. This is when a dental crown becomes necessary. In the past, the stainless steel or silver crown has been the most popular option. But these silver-colored crowns are highly visible, which can cause a child to be very self-conscious of their smile when they are placed on the anterior (front) teeth. To help keep children smiling confidently, our pediatric dentists in the Woodlands offer Kinder Krowns®, which are tooth-colored, for the visible front teeth, and stainless steel crowns for the less visible posterior (back) teeth.

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